
V For Vendetta

"V" may very well stand for "Vendetta," but this week "V" will also stand for half of the "W" in "Wicked Awesome Movie."

The Wachowski Brothers wrote this movie. They pretty much redeemed themself for the load of excrement that was shotting from their buttholes that we call "The Matrix Sequels".

The story is a tad slow at first. Lots of knife killing, words I've never heard before, and Natalie Portman. What a great mix of the elements!

It is a movie just about some guy named "V" (Agent Smith from the Matrix) and Evey (Padme from Star Wars) in a fascist government, meeting up after V saves Evey from some cops (We're they going to rape her or what? I couldn't tell...) that caught her out after the curfew.

This is basically the rundown of the second or so scene:

He stabs one guy and then tosses one guy into a wall. (Not as great as it sounds.) Then he asks her if she wants to go see his orchestra play and then they go to a roof and then he pulls out his "conductor stick" and he asks her if she can hear the music and she says "No...oh wait! I can!" and then the music starts playing on the emergency speaker things in town, everyone wakes up pissed off, then a building blows up. Awesome.

The ending was awesome, just not very realistic. It was sort of anime-ish.

What the crap was up with the beginning though?! Just some random guy running from these people, he gets caught and then gets hung while some woman cries and everyone else is cheering. WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT?

And it doesn't make sense to put "Vendetta" in the title of the movie, if they never say "Vendetta" once during the entire movie?

Overall, I give it a 8.5/10, it was a good movie, not great. It could have been better.


Anonymous said...

Oh Christian,
The guy running is the whole basis of why our anti-hero was wearing that mask...continue reading.

On November 5, 1605, Guy Fawkes was discovered in a tunnel beneath Parliament with 36 barrels of gunpowder. He and his co-conspirators had engineered the treasonous “Gunpowder Plot” in response to the tyranny of their government under James I. Fawkes and his fellow saboteurs were hanged, drawn and quartered, and their plan to take down their government never came to pass.

In the spirit of that rebellion, in remembrance of that day, V vows to carry out the plot that Fawkes was executed for attempting on November 5th in 1605: he will blow up Parliament.

Remember, remember
The Fifth of November
The gunpowder treason and plot
I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot

The woman crying was probably Guy Fawkes' wife or girlfriend.


Also, at the beginning, they were going to take advantage of Evey and use her body for their pleasure. Ewwwww!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am glad you somehow managed to miss the most pivotal, and intriguing plot point of the ENTIRE MOVIE! I will not re-itterate what your mother said. But V was going to carry out what Guy Fawkes never did (hence the porcelain Guy Fawkes mask), he was going to destroy Parliament. Do you actually listen to the beginning of movies, or do you just sit there crunching nachos and getting ill. Being ill is no excuse, without knowing the beginning of the movie it is just some dude in a gay porcelain mask running around with knives killing random people because he obviously cant get over grudges.

And about the word Vendetta it means a bitter, destructive conflict. Which is everything the movie entails, V is invovled in wait.... what is he involved in... what is another word for bitter conflict? O yea a VENDETTA. But on the otherhand V does say it a few times in the movie, but this may have also been during your illness, or nacho munching. So I am now going to be reading your blogs from now on so if you write a review about a movie we watched together know your facts or be prepared to take a lashing from either your Mom or I.

MyFavoritePhantom said...

sucks that i wasn't able to come...WE'RE SO GOING AGAIN!!

haha..and don't worry, you're much more of a looker then he is....
*regarding your comment on my blog*