
Sonic Youth + The Good Life + Deerhunter + The Dodos = My Album

After watching the movie "Amadeus" in music history class, it inspired me to write and compose an album. That day, I wrote 5 or so pages throwing ideas around about what I wanted it to sound like, and since it will be a concept album, I needed to write a story for this. My plans as of today, are to make this album sound like: Sonic Youth + The Good Life + Deerhunter + The Dodos = my album. We'll just see how things go but it's highly experimental right now. I'm going to be trying out weird tunings and time signatures. The primary goal currently is to finish the story. I'm planning for the songs to work out similar to a play, as in the songs will be "Act 1, Scene 1: _____". I'm planning on writing the whole story and dividing up the scenes, then once that's done, I'm going to rewrite the scenes to fit to music.

The story that I've been working with so far is about an old widow who retells the story of the gang war between the Chain Gang and the Puppet Masters, the events leading to the war, and the effect it has on the families of the gang leaders. I'm getting inspiration from various places such as Shakespeare, The Departed, and Gangs of New York. It's going to be fun to write music specifically to fit a mood for a scene.

This will definitely be a musical workout because I've never written an entire album before, let alone a full song without someone providing the lyrics. I relish the chance to flex my musical muscles though. It shall be a wonderful experience.

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