
It's official!

School is starting! My fate is sealed. I think somewhere out there, the Devil is giggling like a Japanese schoolgirl. Just going back into the school building the other day, made me realize all the things I don't like about it. Mainly, annoying kids that go to said school, along with the atmosphere of the school. Which is, in short, school. They should have some way to make it seem like we are not in school so it does not suck so bad. Welllll, what can you do?

Semester 1:

1. U.S. History Standard
2. Psychology Standard
3. English 3 Standard
4. Visual Art 1

Semester 2:

1. Music History
2. Modern History
3. Algebra 2 Standard
4. Chemistry 1 Standard

1 comment:

MyFavoritePhantom said...

be really careful with that second semester algebra and chem. having both of those in the same semester drove me up the wall and i didn't do so hot. so, don't stress and pay attention!

haha, i've been out of town so i'm so out of the loop on schedules and such.
see you at schooool.