
Getting bored can be dangerous! ...Or peaceful.

If you don't get it, then here's a push in the right direction:



Video Post!!

I'm sick - Broadcast your self LIVE

Gotta turn up your speakers to hear this one.

So yeah. This sucks to be sick. :(

First "vlog" post though! :D



Great quotes by Ryan Riddell:

"When life gives s hope we use it all up, when life gives us fear we regift it to someone else, but when life gives us love, of all things, that's the one we keep to ourselves to hold and hide. I say that love and interest should be as free as our minds, and that only goes as far as we let it."

"It goes from my head to the paper and there I keep them trapped forever. Some have dream catchers to ward off their demons, I have thought catchers to freak out my demons."

"Pikachu is to Ash, what I am to God. Pikajew!"

Ahh that jolly ol' Ryan.


It reminds me of a joke...

I just finished reading the Killing Joke by Alan Moore, the same man who wrote the masterpiece The Watchmen. And I have to say, HE'S DONE IT AGAIN. He has somehow captured the very essence of everything that is the Joker and make it even better. The Joker is absolutely sadistic and I couldn't be more satisfied with it. All I could say after I read it was, "YES YES YES! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" It was everything the Joker is and should always be, hands down.

You can't not talk about the artwork in this beautiful book. Brian Bolland brilliantly visualized the Joker for all the world to see and he could not have done a better job. His "meticulous attention to detail" and"perfected clean-line style" have complemented this book better than most other artists could have done. He took on the task of illustrating the Joker for the masses, looked into its eyes, and slapped it like a pimp and walked away giving it the bird.

Therefore, I order you to go out and buy/borrow/steal these two masterpieces of literature. They need to be read by all! Young, old, dumb, intelligent, man, woman. Everyone must read it.


The second to last first day of high school.

My first day was pretty frickin good!

My first block is US History and that has some okay kids in there, the teacher is pretty cool since he listens to Metallica & is an alright guy. My second block is really awesome since I have two of my best friends in there, Ryan and JD. The teacher said this is gonna be the easiest class we'll ever take in high school so that should be good. It's my favorite class now!

Third block is pretty good. The teacher is really nice and she doesn't waste our time in there. We already started working instead of reading the handbook and crap like that. Fourth block is gonna be my second favorite just because I love art! I love the teacher in there but the only downside is that I don't really know anyone in there since their ALLLL freshmen! I took the class a little later than most so I'm stuck in there with freshmen since I need an art credit to graduate.

Overall, today was a great day. I was just really tired all day. But that was fixed once I got home and took a nap!


It feels good in my brain!

Just recently saw the long-awaited "Pineapple Express" and I have to say, it was all that and a bag of chips. I knew it was going to be a hilarious stoner comedy movie about dudes getting in some shenanigans and whatnot, but little did I know, it turned a totally different direction at the end with badass action, killing, and a whole lot of blood. It was completely awesome on every level imaginable. It surprisingly ranks up there with the Dark Knight in turns of entertainment value and exceeding expectations. I knew it was gonna be a hilarious movie, but it just got even better!

Seth Rogen and James Franco pull off their stoner personas perfectly mostly because I'm sure they were actually stoned throughout the whole movie. It seemed like it would be a really fun movie to work on if everyone was getting stoned on the set. Seth Rogen was actually kicked out of a after show party when the other partygoers suspected he was smoking a little more than a rolled cigarette at the party. And the best part about it, when Seth talked to reporters about it he said that it was a "terrible case of I-wanna-smoke-weed-all-day". Bravo.


It's official!

School is starting! My fate is sealed. I think somewhere out there, the Devil is giggling like a Japanese schoolgirl. Just going back into the school building the other day, made me realize all the things I don't like about it. Mainly, annoying kids that go to said school, along with the atmosphere of the school. Which is, in short, school. They should have some way to make it seem like we are not in school so it does not suck so bad. Welllll, what can you do?

Semester 1:

1. U.S. History Standard
2. Psychology Standard
3. English 3 Standard
4. Visual Art 1

Semester 2:

1. Music History
2. Modern History
3. Algebra 2 Standard
4. Chemistry 1 Standard


I recently came across this picture and I have no idea what I should think about it. I love the "baby Jesus" part, just because it makes me laugh whenever I think of the prayer that Ricky Bobby does in Talladega Nights. Ahhh funny stuff...

Clearly, the sign makes no sense whatsoever when it's taken out of context. Judging by the fonts and the colors used, you're definitely supposed to see it. Orphans and Jesus do make for a good sign but they took that a little too literally. The gentleman sitting in the chair holding the fish raises even more questions though.

One thing is for sure though: I am reserving "Sweet Baby Jesus and the Orphans" for a future band. I don't even know what kind of band it is yet, or if the band will even come to fruition. But, I do know that that will be our name. Yessssss...



Just had to share this comic:

I love basically everything that references Schrรถdinger's Cat. I guess it's one of those nerdy things that I love. I don't even know exactly why I love it so much, but just that it's one of those scientific theories that really strikes a chord with me because it amazes me that someone even thought of that. That, along with it being referenced in my favorite web comic, totally made me giggle like a nerd. Which is of course nasally and whilst pushing up my classes.

And if you don't know what I'm talking about, here's something to edumucate yourself with.

Rants are fun!

School's coming up this week. It's a grim reminder that I need to sleep earlier and wake up even earlier. It really doesn't bother me all that much since I usually get sleepy around that time anyway, I just force my body to stay up later because I can get more things done when I stay up later. I don't even NEED to stay up, I just feel like I should because I have things that I want to do or keep doing such as watching my favorite TV shows on the internet, playing video games, playing guitar, or have 5 conversations going on at once with my friends. I usually do more things at night than I do during the day, I guess it's because I'm sensing the loss of time around then and I want to get more done before the day is over.

I have this love/hate relationship with school. I love learning new things, seeing my friends, making new friends, but, waking up early? Lame. Projects? Lame. Stupid people? Even lamer. There's just some people at school that I cannot stand to the nth degree. Those people being the ones who want to slack off and make the people who actually do their work, me, do it for them whenever there's a group project or they copy off of me since I finish way earlier than me. Now, I'm not saying I'm smarter than them. But if they would just apply themselves and actually try at school, they wouldn't have to copy off of me. Those same people are the ones that smart off to teachers because they want to look cool in front of their friends. Now, sometimes, the teachers do deserve it, but a majority of the time, the kids are just trying to be assholes. It really just wastes everyone's time because we just need to get our lesson over with and finish our work, instead of them bickering about not wanting to do the work because it's "stupid" or a "waste of time". Just suck it up and do the work you douchebag.

Okay, I'm done ranting.

Now playing: Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
via FoxyTunes