School's coming up this week. It's a grim reminder that I need to sleep earlier and wake up even earlier. It really doesn't bother me all that much since I usually get sleepy around that time anyway, I just force my body to stay up later because I can get more things done when I stay up later. I don't even NEED to stay up, I just feel like I should because I have things that I want to do or keep doing such as watching my favorite TV shows on the internet, playing video games, playing guitar, or have 5 conversations going on at once with my friends. I usually do more things at night than I do during the day, I guess it's because I'm sensing the loss of time around then and I want to get more done before the day is over.
I have this love/hate relationship with school. I love learning new things, seeing my friends, making new friends, but, waking up early? Lame. Projects? Lame. Stupid people? Even lamer. There's just some people at school that I cannot stand to the nth degree. Those people being the ones who want to slack off and make the people who actually do their work, me, do it for them whenever there's a group project or they copy off of me since I finish way earlier than me. Now, I'm not saying I'm smarter than them. But if they would just apply themselves and actually try at school, they wouldn't have to copy off of me. Those same people are the ones that smart off to teachers because they want to look cool in front of their friends. Now, sometimes, the teachers do deserve it, but a majority of the time, the kids are just trying to be assholes. It really just wastes everyone's time because we just need to get our lesson over with and finish our work, instead of them bickering about not wanting to do the work because it's "stupid" or a "waste of time". Just suck it up and do the work you douchebag.
Okay, I'm done ranting.
Now playing:
Smashing Pumpkins - Disarmvia FoxyTunes