Mekka Lekka Hi, Mekka Hiney Ho
I was reading up Pee Wee's Playhouse on YouTube, and that is a very disturbing but hilarious show. Jambi scares me. I don't know why. He is one creepy genie. Pee Wee, is just Pee Wee.
Did you know Phil Hartman was a writer/producer/Captain Carl on the show? And the Pee Wee Herman character came from an HBO act about Pee Wee with the comedy troupe that Phil Hartman and Paul Reubens were in called The Groundlings. It was actually more adult-oritented and included sex jokes. Amazing. Did not see that coming.
Watch Pee Wee's Playhouse reaired on Adult Swim!!
Been a while...
Well it has been a long time since I have last blogged. I just suddenly got into the blogging spirit!
Well I just realized that I only like three songs of the Cure. I love the songs: Just Like Heaven, Pictures of You, and Lovesong, in that order. How many songs do you have to like to be considered a fan? Am I a fan j
ust from liking those songs? Hmm...the many wonders of the world...
WHAM! has to be the best pop group ever! Who doesn't love the classic "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"? Or the amazing "A Different Corner"? Those are some amazing songs! But the question arises again: "Would I be considered a fan for only liking those two songs?"
Well I finally got pants that fit me today at Pac Sun. Two "deep indigo" colored jeans which are basically a pair or almost black jeans. (I guess Pac Sun wanted the "indigo" theme with their jeans") It turns out I wear 30x32 pants, and not the 34x32's I usually wear and are wearing right now. Who knew?
Well, my mom has made Jeff and I do physical things now. It's gay and helpful. I am sore everyday now, but I'm stronger. I also have to read. I have to read 3 books I forgot to read earlier in the year for school 4 weeks before school starts. So I'm not off to a good start. I've got it good compared to Jeff. He has to read 5 books! He has to read: Utopia, The Prince, Life of Pi, The Glass Menagerie, and...some other one I can't think of now and don't want to ask Jeff because I don't feel like it. And I have to read: Great Expectations (the last half is good I hear. The first half is boring as hell!) by Charles Dickens, Animal Farm by George Orwell, and Timeline by Michael Crichton (the best book out of all of them, in my opinion.)
This has been a random mumbling.
Well I just realized that I only like three songs of the Cure. I love the songs: Just Like Heaven, Pictures of You, and Lovesong, in that order. How many songs do you have to like to be considered a fan? Am I a fan j

WHAM! has to be the best pop group ever! Who doesn't love the classic "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"? Or the amazing "A Different Corner"? Those are some amazing songs! But the question arises again: "Would I be considered a fan for only liking those two songs?"
Well I finally got pants that fit me today at Pac Sun. Two "deep indigo" colored jeans which are basically a pair or almost black jeans. (I guess Pac Sun wanted the "indigo" theme with their jeans") It turns out I wear 30x32 pants, and not the 34x32's I usually wear and are wearing right now. Who knew?
Well, my mom has made Jeff and I do physical things now. It's gay and helpful. I am sore everyday now, but I'm stronger. I also have to read. I have to read 3 books I forgot to read earlier in the year for school 4 weeks before school starts. So I'm not off to a good start. I've got it good compared to Jeff. He has to read 5 books! He has to read: Utopia, The Prince, Life of Pi, The Glass Menagerie, and...some other one I can't think of now and don't want to ask Jeff because I don't feel like it. And I have to read: Great Expectations (the last half is good I hear. The first half is boring as hell!) by Charles Dickens, Animal Farm by George Orwell, and Timeline by Michael Crichton (the best book out of all of them, in my opinion.)
This has been a random mumbling.
I found a blog post just now on my Red Vs Blue blog, and it is amazing how much detail I went into with this Halo game. Check it for yourself:
"My Best Game Ever
Reenactment with changes to make it more dramatic. I did not actually get a Kill Frenzy or Overkill.
Well my best game ever was in a little game called Halo 2. You might have heard of the game, and what a mighty fine game it is. And back to the point, well when I was playing last night, I had no idea what was ahead of me in that Rumble Training game. It was Oddball on Warlock, I never really particularly liked Oddball but my instincts told me to stay anyway and practice killing everyone instead of actually trying to actually get the Oddball. So I stayed and then I noticed I was playing with one of the people I played with last game. He didn't have a mic but I said "Hi." anyway. Then, like I do in Team Training or Rumble Training games, I talked my trash and told everyone that I wasn't even going to try to get the Oddball and then when it started. I just went for my Plasma Grenades since I have to live up to my reputation of being a "Stickie God" (My friend's say that not me), and then I get a Battle Rifle and a Shotgun. Then I just start seeing guy's dying over and over again just to get a stupid skull and hold it for a specified amount of time, so I just decide since I have some good guns I should just run over there starting shooting people with my Shotgun, I stick a guy here or there, and then I just start getting a ton of Double Kills with my Shotgun and my Battle Rifle. (I steal alot of kills in Rumble Training or Rumble Pit so I was bound to get a lot of kills) But one thing that really stood out, was how many sticks I was getting. It seemed like everytime I see someone I would either stick them if I had some Plasmas or shoot them with my Shotgun if they got close. I was laughing most of the time because it was just O \/\/ |\| 4 G 3 how many sticks and kills I was getting. And I also started getting somethings that were bigger than Double Kills and we all know what comes after Double Kill...Triple Kill. A guy jumps and gets in my way, so the only logical thing to do would be to shoot him. Well I don't do that. I stick him. It felt so good just hearing him go "NO ******* WAY! **** YOU MINI MIYA!" and then I just walk away hearing him scream that at me and then I hear and explosion and of course it was the grenade exploding on his usally lively corpse. But luckily he managed to run into some people and they had low shield. So he runs into them thinking he's gonna get a kill before he dies (Which is not possible since he was a bit far away from them and he would have to Assassinate or Beat Down someone with no shield to actually get a kill before it explodes on you). Well since he ran them I got a Triple Kill, I just say "Who cares? It was just luck." And then I see a wounded guy running away from someone and he narrowly gets away before he sees me and says "Oh ****...", and then I just shoot him with my Shotgun...Killtacular. I am just ecstatic and very nervous that I have low shield, and without missing a beat...someone comes with a SMG and kills me. I just think "Who cares? This is Rumble Training. It's not like it's a ranked game. Why am I even thinking that it would even matter that I died this one time?". But It didn't stop at one. It kept going and going till I have 5 deaths. My heart is beating now. I am a little scared that I am starting to get a bit rusty. But then I kill everyone as I had before... But this time I got a surprise...I saw a few guys shooting each other and you know me, I have to steal all of those kills. So instead of shooting them individually I just did what anyone that knew what they were doing would do, I threw a Frag Grenade. And boy was it a good explosion. Them screaming "NOOOOOOO! THAT WAS MY KILL! YOU SICK ****!". While I laugh and run away to regain shield and I see a Double Kill sign in the upper left hand corner and I didn't really here the announcer guy say it but I could see it. Then I see another person there, and I shoot him with my Shotgun, so I was up to a Triple Kill now, with me just laughing it off. Then I see another person and waddya know? I kill him too. Killtacular. That was sweet. Now I am just trying to find shield again and then I see a person holding the ball near the Teleporter, so I run up to him and ssSSsSssSsS. I stick him with my Plasma Grenade and I hear the announcer say "KILL FRENZY!", and when he is saying it I press the white button and say "KILL FRENZY!" in sync with the announcer, and then someone says "Ooo good job! I totally admire you! Do you want a cookie?" in a very obvious sarcastic tone. And then I just say "Hey why don't you shut up?!" (It was the best comeback I could think of at the time). By this time I had killed so many people in a row that I had not even noticed that I had gone all the way up to Overkill (25 kills in a row without dying). I was like, "Whoa." That has never happened before. It was a great feeling knowing that I had killed 25 people in a row and they couldn't stop me. So then I run around trying to find the ball, then I see someone and kill him with a quick blast to the face with my Shotgun and then I'm like "YES!" and in a heartbeat, someone comes up behind me and Assassinates me while I was top middle of the map. The Invisibility guy had gotten me. I suddenly felt sad. So later on the game ended. I had lost. I had gotten 52 and 5 and just gloated alot and they were like "But you lost! You lost big time! You had 0:00 seconds! You are a failure", but I just said "Hey buddy! I just killed you all 52 times! You guys are the biggest failure ever! You guys couldn't stop me for a long time! I only died 5 times! I rock and you suck!".
Well there you have it. The longest post I have ever done, and the most in depth I have ever gotten with telling a Halo 2 story.
"My Best Game Ever
Reenactment with changes to make it more dramatic. I did not actually get a Kill Frenzy or Overkill.
Well my best game ever was in a little game called Halo 2. You might have heard of the game, and what a mighty fine game it is. And back to the point, well when I was playing last night, I had no idea what was ahead of me in that Rumble Training game. It was Oddball on Warlock, I never really particularly liked Oddball but my instincts told me to stay anyway and practice killing everyone instead of actually trying to actually get the Oddball. So I stayed and then I noticed I was playing with one of the people I played with last game. He didn't have a mic but I said "Hi." anyway. Then, like I do in Team Training or Rumble Training games, I talked my trash and told everyone that I wasn't even going to try to get the Oddball and then when it started. I just went for my Plasma Grenades since I have to live up to my reputation of being a "Stickie God" (My friend's say that not me), and then I get a Battle Rifle and a Shotgun. Then I just start seeing guy's dying over and over again just to get a stupid skull and hold it for a specified amount of time, so I just decide since I have some good guns I should just run over there starting shooting people with my Shotgun, I stick a guy here or there, and then I just start getting a ton of Double Kills with my Shotgun and my Battle Rifle. (I steal alot of kills in Rumble Training or Rumble Pit so I was bound to get a lot of kills) But one thing that really stood out, was how many sticks I was getting. It seemed like everytime I see someone I would either stick them if I had some Plasmas or shoot them with my Shotgun if they got close. I was laughing most of the time because it was just O \/\/ |\| 4 G 3 how many sticks and kills I was getting. And I also started getting somethings that were bigger than Double Kills and we all know what comes after Double Kill...Triple Kill. A guy jumps and gets in my way, so the only logical thing to do would be to shoot him. Well I don't do that. I stick him. It felt so good just hearing him go "NO ******* WAY! **** YOU MINI MIYA!" and then I just walk away hearing him scream that at me and then I hear and explosion and of course it was the grenade exploding on his usally lively corpse. But luckily he managed to run into some people and they had low shield. So he runs into them thinking he's gonna get a kill before he dies (Which is not possible since he was a bit far away from them and he would have to Assassinate or Beat Down someone with no shield to actually get a kill before it explodes on you). Well since he ran them I got a Triple Kill, I just say "Who cares? It was just luck." And then I see a wounded guy running away from someone and he narrowly gets away before he sees me and says "Oh ****...", and then I just shoot him with my Shotgun...Killtacular. I am just ecstatic and very nervous that I have low shield, and without missing a beat...someone comes with a SMG and kills me. I just think "Who cares? This is Rumble Training. It's not like it's a ranked game. Why am I even thinking that it would even matter that I died this one time?". But It didn't stop at one. It kept going and going till I have 5 deaths. My heart is beating now. I am a little scared that I am starting to get a bit rusty. But then I kill everyone as I had before... But this time I got a surprise...I saw a few guys shooting each other and you know me, I have to steal all of those kills. So instead of shooting them individually I just did what anyone that knew what they were doing would do, I threw a Frag Grenade. And boy was it a good explosion. Them screaming "NOOOOOOO! THAT WAS MY KILL! YOU SICK ****!". While I laugh and run away to regain shield and I see a Double Kill sign in the upper left hand corner and I didn't really here the announcer guy say it but I could see it. Then I see another person there, and I shoot him with my Shotgun, so I was up to a Triple Kill now, with me just laughing it off. Then I see another person and waddya know? I kill him too. Killtacular. That was sweet. Now I am just trying to find shield again and then I see a person holding the ball near the Teleporter, so I run up to him and ssSSsSssSsS. I stick him with my Plasma Grenade and I hear the announcer say "KILL FRENZY!", and when he is saying it I press the white button and say "KILL FRENZY!" in sync with the announcer, and then someone says "Ooo good job! I totally admire you! Do you want a cookie?" in a very obvious sarcastic tone. And then I just say "Hey why don't you shut up?!" (It was the best comeback I could think of at the time). By this time I had killed so many people in a row that I had not even noticed that I had gone all the way up to Overkill (25 kills in a row without dying). I was like, "Whoa." That has never happened before. It was a great feeling knowing that I had killed 25 people in a row and they couldn't stop me. So then I run around trying to find the ball, then I see someone and kill him with a quick blast to the face with my Shotgun and then I'm like "YES!" and in a heartbeat, someone comes up behind me and Assassinates me while I was top middle of the map. The Invisibility guy had gotten me. I suddenly felt sad. So later on the game ended. I had lost. I had gotten 52 and 5 and just gloated alot and they were like "But you lost! You lost big time! You had 0:00 seconds! You are a failure", but I just said "Hey buddy! I just killed you all 52 times! You guys are the biggest failure ever! You guys couldn't stop me for a long time! I only died 5 times! I rock and you suck!".
Well there you have it. The longest post I have ever done, and the most in depth I have ever gotten with telling a Halo 2 story.
Bizarre Love Triangle
Well my fast is over, so I can listen to music and eat junk food now. It's great being able to listen to music now! MUSIC IS MY LIFE!
So, I was on the bus listening to my iPod, I listen to my Pop, Look, and Listen playlist of course, which is a playlist with a whole bunch of 80s pop songs on it, and this song comes up that I usually skip because of this intro that is too slow to get to the actual song, and I give it a chance and after the weird fake-sounding bass line, this awesome song comes on! So I listened to it nonstop! And I'm still listening to it at the moment on iTunes. It is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
I may go through phases with music, but when I hit a phase, I hit it HARD! I just listen to it forever till I burn out on it, but it is all worth it in the end.
This other song is good too, A Different Corner by WHAM! Talk about a great song. They may be gay, but they have great voices.
The 80's rocked!
So, I was on the bus listening to my iPod, I listen to my Pop, Look, and Listen playlist of course, which is a playlist with a whole bunch of 80s pop songs on it, and this song comes up that I usually skip because of this intro that is too slow to get to the actual song, and I give it a chance and after the weird fake-sounding bass line, this awesome song comes on! So I listened to it nonstop! And I'm still listening to it at the moment on iTunes. It is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
I may go through phases with music, but when I hit a phase, I hit it HARD! I just listen to it forever till I burn out on it, but it is all worth it in the end.
This other song is good too, A Different Corner by WHAM! Talk about a great song. They may be gay, but they have great voices.
The 80's rocked!
V For Vendetta
"V" may very well stand for "Vendetta," but this week "V" will also stand for half of the "W" in "Wicked Awesome Movie."
The Wachowski Brothers wrote this movie. They pretty much redeemed themself for the load of excrement that was shotting from their buttholes that we call "The Matrix Sequels".
The story is a tad slow at first. Lots of knife killing, words I've never heard before, and Natalie Portman. What a great mix of the elements!
It is a movie just about some guy named "V" (Agent Smith from the Matrix) and Evey (Padme from Star Wars) in a fascist government, meeting up after V saves Evey from some cops (We're they going to rape her or what? I couldn't tell...) that caught her out after the curfew.
This is basically the rundown of the second or so scene:
He stabs one guy and then tosses one guy into a wall. (Not as great as it sounds.) Then he asks her if she wants to go see his orchestra play and then they go to a roof and then he pulls out his "conductor stick" and he asks her if she can hear the music and she says "No...oh wait! I can!" and then the music starts playing on the emergency speaker things in town, everyone wakes up pissed off, then a building blows up. Awesome.
The ending was awesome, just not very realistic. It was sort of anime-ish.
What the crap was up with the beginning though?! Just some random guy running from these people, he gets caught and then gets hung while some woman cries and everyone else is cheering. WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT?
And it doesn't make sense to put "Vendetta" in the title of the movie, if they never say "Vendetta" once during the entire movie?
Overall, I give it a 8.5/10, it was a good movie, not great. It could have been better.
The Wachowski Brothers wrote this movie. They pretty much redeemed themself for the load of excrement that was shotting from their buttholes that we call "The Matrix Sequels".
The story is a tad slow at first. Lots of knife killing, words I've never heard before, and Natalie Portman. What a great mix of the elements!
It is a movie just about some guy named "V" (Agent Smith from the Matrix) and Evey (Padme from Star Wars) in a fascist government, meeting up after V saves Evey from some cops (We're they going to rape her or what? I couldn't tell...) that caught her out after the curfew.
This is basically the rundown of the second or so scene:
He stabs one guy and then tosses one guy into a wall. (Not as great as it sounds.) Then he asks her if she wants to go see his orchestra play and then they go to a roof and then he pulls out his "conductor stick" and he asks her if she can hear the music and she says "No...oh wait! I can!" and then the music starts playing on the emergency speaker things in town, everyone wakes up pissed off, then a building blows up. Awesome.
The ending was awesome, just not very realistic. It was sort of anime-ish.
What the crap was up with the beginning though?! Just some random guy running from these people, he gets caught and then gets hung while some woman cries and everyone else is cheering. WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT?
And it doesn't make sense to put "Vendetta" in the title of the movie, if they never say "Vendetta" once during the entire movie?
Overall, I give it a 8.5/10, it was a good movie, not great. It could have been better.
Sorry for that other post...I was...I have no idea...I can't explain my actions...
Well Steph and I are going out on Friday or Saturday. I wouldn't really call it going out but she's just coming to my house, or that's the plan...But it should be fun! She's going to try out City of Heroes, now that's the girl for me! Any girl that is willing to play City of Heroes is the best!
I hope all of you have played City of Heroes. It is one of the best games ever. So why don't you go out and play the game! Go. Right now!
So don't you think this post is a bit less stupid than the last one?
I just finished watching Walk The Line for the second time. That movie should've won an Oscar. That movie was just too good. Reese Witherspoon at least got an Oscar. Brokeback Mountain got the Oscar. Fags. Gay sex. *shivers* I can't believe Johnny Cash messed up his life because of Elvis! DANG YOU ELVIS! If Elvis jumped off a bridge, would you? Well, I can sympathize since he was drunk at the time.
Eh...He still took speed...Threw his life away...Gay.
Well Steph and I are going out on Friday or Saturday. I wouldn't really call it going out but she's just coming to my house, or that's the plan...But it should be fun! She's going to try out City of Heroes, now that's the girl for me! Any girl that is willing to play City of Heroes is the best!
I hope all of you have played City of Heroes. It is one of the best games ever. So why don't you go out and play the game! Go. Right now!
So don't you think this post is a bit less stupid than the last one?
I just finished watching Walk The Line for the second time. That movie should've won an Oscar. That movie was just too good. Reese Witherspoon at least got an Oscar. Brokeback Mountain got the Oscar. Fags. Gay sex. *shivers* I can't believe Johnny Cash messed up his life because of Elvis! DANG YOU ELVIS! If Elvis jumped off a bridge, would you? Well, I can sympathize since he was drunk at the time.
Eh...He still took speed...Threw his life away...Gay.
Peanut Butter And Some Other Funky Junk
So I'm having Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwhich, it is tasty as always! Then I suddenly have a mustache! It is sooo weird! What mustache am I referring to? Well the "milk 'stache" of course. It's the best one around. It's the new mullet!
My grandma was talking to me about her being lactose intolerant while I was making the sandwhich, and I was thinking, it would SUCK to be lactose intolerant! No dairy products? That is sooo gay! Let's play this out while saying this to a little girl who lost her two front teeth, just had her birthday, and now she's going to be told she is lactose intolerant:
Doctor: I'm sorry Sally, but no more dairy products for you, you're Lactose Intolerant.
Sally: What's lactose intolerant.
Doctor: Basicallly, milk.
Sally: No more chocolate milk?
Doctor: No more.
*Sally grabs scalpel and doctor as hostage* *waving around scalpel*
Mommy: I can't honey! It's true! It's all true!
Sally: *pulled hand in sleeve* NOOOOOO! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!
*Sally kills the doctor*
*Sally kills Mommy*
Just let that sink in....It isn't pretty huh? No more chocolate milk, no cheese, no regular milk! That is so gay. I couldn't live that way. Lactose milk sucks. WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS WHERE OUR BODIES TURN AGAINST US!? TELL ME!!!
My grandma was talking to me about her being lactose intolerant while I was making the sandwhich, and I was thinking, it would SUCK to be lactose intolerant! No dairy products? That is sooo gay! Let's play this out while saying this to a little girl who lost her two front teeth, just had her birthday, and now she's going to be told she is lactose intolerant:
Doctor: I'm sorry Sally, but no more dairy products for you, you're Lactose Intolerant.
Sally: What's lactose intolerant.
Doctor: Basicallly, milk.
Sally: No more chocolate milk?
Doctor: No more.
*Sally grabs scalpel and doctor as hostage* *waving around scalpel*
Mommy: I can't honey! It's true! It's all true!
Sally: *pulled hand in sleeve* NOOOOOO! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!
*Sally kills the doctor*
*Sally kills Mommy*
Just let that sink in....It isn't pretty huh? No more chocolate milk, no cheese, no regular milk! That is so gay. I couldn't live that way. Lactose milk sucks. WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS WHERE OUR BODIES TURN AGAINST US!? TELL ME!!!
An Actual Blog
So I went to church today. It was a pretty cool. Everyone was raising their hands and all that. Good stuff, good stuff...Nothing else happened that was sooo spectacular! All except getting to "walk" in PE without dressing out. Because someone left their gym clothes in the locker room and never washed them, so it grew a whole bunch of mold! I didn't see it, but you can tell by the description that it is gross...Hmmm....should I say anything else? My day was pretty average except for going to my youth group the GAS Station!
A Blog Of A Sort
This is a pretty cool place. My dad has a blog here too...My girlfriend too...hmm....Nothing else to say except...Cool.
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