Well I just realized that I only like three songs of the Cure. I love the songs: Just Like Heaven, Pictures of You, and Lovesong, in that order. How many songs do you have to like to be considered a fan? Am I a fan j

WHAM! has to be the best pop group ever! Who doesn't love the classic "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"? Or the amazing "A Different Corner"? Those are some amazing songs! But the question arises again: "Would I be considered a fan for only liking those two songs?"
Well I finally got pants that fit me today at Pac Sun. Two "deep indigo" colored jeans which are basically a pair or almost black jeans. (I guess Pac Sun wanted the "indigo" theme with their jeans") It turns out I wear 30x32 pants, and not the 34x32's I usually wear and are wearing right now. Who knew?
Well, my mom has made Jeff and I do physical things now. It's gay and helpful. I am sore everyday now, but I'm stronger. I also have to read. I have to read 3 books I forgot to read earlier in the year for school 4 weeks before school starts. So I'm not off to a good start. I've got it good compared to Jeff. He has to read 5 books! He has to read: Utopia, The Prince, Life of Pi, The Glass Menagerie, and...some other one I can't think of now and don't want to ask Jeff because I don't feel like it. And I have to read: Great Expectations (the last half is good I hear. The first half is boring as hell!) by Charles Dickens, Animal Farm by George Orwell, and Timeline by Michael Crichton (the best book out of all of them, in my opinion.)
This has been a random mumbling.